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Join our a Teams

Alpha Team

Be a part of the advance team that helps fund each event and our work around the world. In every city, we need 100 visionary men to commit to funding their city event with a one-time $1,000 or 12 months $84 commitment. We ask that you pray and consider giving and getting others that have the resources to help us fund our ministry in each city. Each Alpha Team member will receive two (2) Alpha Team Credentials to the event in their city, a Life of Valor polo shirt. The Alpha Team credentials get you early entrance to the men's event. Click here to become an Alpha Team member.


Additional benefits include:

  1. Early registrations - 7 days before registration opens to the public

  2. Unlimited registrations at our group rate of $29.00

  3. Plus one FREE registration for every 10 purchased to use for yourself or evangelism

  4. Unlimited VIP Meet & Greets for only $100.00 (a $250.00 value)

Delta Team 

This ministry is for networkers and men that enjoy connecting with at least 10 Church Men's Ministry Leaders in your area. Your primary task is to communicate the mission and vision of Life of Valor to churches in your area. Get the word out about upcoming events and make sure the men's ministry leaders have the marketing and promotional resources to effectively communicate with their men. Each Delta Team member will receive two (2) Delta Team credentials for the event in their city and a Life of Valor hat. The Delta Team credentials give you early entrance to the men's event.


Additional benefits include:

  1. Early registrations - 5 days before registration opens to the public

  2. Unlimited registrations at our group rate of $29.00

  3. Plus one FREE registration for every 10 purchased to use for yourself or evangelism

  4. Unlimited VIP Meet & Greets for only $100.00 (a $250.00 value)

Platoon Leaders

This is for every man that influences other men in their church, business, and community. We need you to call men out and encourage them to live a life of valor. We ask that every platoon leader share the mission and vision of Life of Valor and mobilize the men in their church, ministry or business to register for the Life of Valor Men's Event.


Life of Valor through your Delta Team member will ensure that you have everything you need to promote in your church, ministry or business including a video, posters, bulletin inserts, social media ads, banners, etc. Each Platoon leader will receive one (1) free registration for every 10 men you register. That's right, register 30 guys and get an additional three free registrations. We recommend that you use them for scholarships or evangelism. In addition, Platoon Leaders will receive a Life of Valor t-shirt, (1) Platoon Leader credential with early access to the event. 


Additional benefits include:

  1. Early registration - 2 days before registration opens to the public

  2. Unlimited registrations at our group rate of $29.00

  3. Plus one FREE registration for every 10 purchased to use for yourself or evangelism

  4. Unlimited VIP Meet & Greet passes for only $100.00 (a $250.00 value)

Air One Team

If you like to pray, join our Air One Prayer Team. As you can imagine we need prayer warriors who will stand in the gap and plead for our men and boys to become men of valor. This is a group of men and women who provide us with air coverage "prayer" as they commit to pray weekly for Life of Valor Ministries and the Men's Event in their city. Each Air One Team member will receive two (2) free registrations for their family and friends to the event in their city, a Life of Valor t-shirt, one (1) Air One Team credential and early entrance to the men's event.

Media Team

If you like "sharing" then, this is the team for you! We will send you social media post and all you need to do is share/post them. While your out and about just place our posters in your favorite hangouts. Lastly, tell everyone you know to join us at the Life of Valor Men's Event. Each Media Team member will receive two (2) free registrations for their family and friends to the event in their city, a Life of Valor t-shirt, one (1) Media Team credential and early entrance to the men's event.

Event Team

Additional event volunteers will be needed to help with registration and check-in, evangelism, prayer, merchandise/retail, and hospitality. A complete list of volunteer jobs and shifts will be listed about 60 days prior to the event. This is open to women and the more ladies we have volunteer the more men can participate. An Event Team member will receive two (2) free registrations for their family and friends to the event in their city, one (1) Life of Valor t-shirt, one (1) Event Team credential and early entrance to the men's event.

Thank you for your interest in joining our teams


The mission of Life of Valor is to "Prepare men for a life of valor." This heavenly focus is the reason all of us do what we do.  Life change. New and renewed life in Jesus. To be a small part of God’s big economy to change the world and bring boys and men - to Christ! By volunteering, you can be a vital part of our mission…thank you for your servant’s heart. Volunteers are the very heartbeat of Life of Valor!


Volunteering with Life of Valor can be one of the most fulfilling, fun, and enjoyable volunteer experiences that you will ever have, and we are looking for 100 people to volunteer and make the Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event a roaring success and life-impacting experience for all! Before filling out the form below with your personal information, there are a few things we want you to know and will request of you:


  • We ask that you come with a servant’s heart prepared to serve the thousands of men that will be coming; you will have a lasting impact on them.

  • We ask that you commit to pray for Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event and the lives to be impacted.

  • We ask that you commit to helping recruit other Team members as needed, everyone has a friend they can ask to come with and help.

  • We ask that you make sure your church and friends know Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event is coming; what an opportunity for church youth & men's groups to attend together.

  • We ask that you be aware that there will be many tasks and a bit of work to be done at and for Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event and that you understand you are coming to help us with that.  If you would rather come to participate, we encourage you to purchase a ticket for the event and attend with your friends or family instead of volunteering.

  • We ask that you be aware that we are looking for volunteers who will work all day as needed on Friday, May 12th.  What will we do in return?  During your awesome volunteer experience, we will ensure you receive appropriate meals and plenty of water and breaks as needed throughout the day via your Captain (your team leader).  This will ensure the greatest consistency, teamwork, and relationship building for everyone at the Life of Valor event.

  • We need you to know that you must be 16 years old at the time of Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event to volunteer and have a parent or guardian supervising and volunteering with you (those 16 and 17 years old will need a parent’s signature on the Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event Liability Form that you will fill out when you check-in).

  • We want to bless you for your help at Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event – we will not charge you to volunteer or require you to register for the Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event event. We will also provide you with a volunteer T-Shirt that we will require you to wear and identify you as a Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event volunteer.

  • You may only sign up one person at a time on the form below, and someone from the Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event Volunteer Leadership Team will be in contact with you soon to talk with you about serving as a Life of Valor - Denver Men's Event volunteer.

  • If you are interested in volunteering; please review the standards and personal expectations that we expect from all of our volunteers by clicking on the button below. You will be taken to the application page where you can review the Code of Conduct and apply for your desired position.

Event Team - What you should expect

Event Team - Code of Conduct

As a Life of Valor volunteer I am committed to doing my best for the Lord and for His glory.  As a servant of Jesus Christ and of this Event I commit to treating all other volunteers, staff and attendees with the utmost love and respect as exemplified by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  As a Life of Valor volunteer I am committed to being drug, tobacco, and alcohol free while serving at the event.  I am also committed to not giving drugs, tobacco, or alcohol to anyone else.


Conference Ministries International/Life of Valor

These traits are strongly encouraged to be part of every Life of Valor volunteer's life, however, they are not required traits to volunteer:


  1. A strong relationship with Jesus Christ. 

  2. Be faithful in regular church attendance. 

  3. Be a student of the Word of God. 

  4. Be a person of prayer. 

  5. Abstain from anything that could possibly hinder your relationship with God. 

  6. There should be evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life. 

  7. Strive to please God in every area of your life. 

  8. There should be evidence of your life being a positive Christian influence on other people.


Code of Conduct

Life of Valor volunteers are expected to always maintain a high standard of integrity, keeping in mind what would best represent the Lord Jesus Christ at all times.  Life of Valor volunteers should refrain from participating in illegal drugs, illicit sex, adultery, fornication, cheating, gossip, strife, rebellion, ungodly attitudes, police arrest, plagiarism, or use of profane language.  The practice of these or any other areas of misconduct, which are not in accordance with the beliefs of the Life of Valor ministry, are grounds for release from duties or denial of volunteer application.  Any person convicted of a sex crime under Megan's law or similar State reporting agency is barred from serving as a volunteer for the safety and protection of participants.  This code of conduct applies at all times.

Unacceptable Activities

Generally speaking, we expect each person to act in a mature and responsible way at all times.  If you have any questions concerning any work or safety rules, or any of the unacceptable activities listed below, please contact the Life of Valor Ministries office for an explanation.  If you commit any of the actions listed below, or any other action not specified but similarly serious, you may be released from your duties pending an investigation of the situation:


  1. Theft. 

  2. Falsification of Life of Valor records. 

  3. Failure to follow safety practices. 

  4. Sharing confidential Life of Valor information. 

  5. Threat or the act of doing bodily harm. 

  6. Willful or negligent destruction of property. 

  7. Use and/or possession of intoxicants, tobacco, drugs or narcotics. 

  8. Harassment.

  9. Immoral, unlawful, or indecent conduct. 

  10. Use and/or possession of firearms, weapons, or explosives on 1stBank Center property (excluding authorized armed security officers).  


The provision of this policy is not a guarantee of its use.  Life of Valor reserves the right to release any volunteer from their duties at any time, with or without reason.


Anti-Harassment Policy

One of Life of Valor's guiding principles is to provide a great environment and to treat each other with respect and dignity.  Accordingly, Life of Valor strictly prohibits sexual harassment or harassment on the basis or race, color, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, veteran status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.  This prohibition applies to all volunteers and the Conference Ministries International/Life of Valor staff.  No person is expected to tolerate any conduct prohibited by this policy from anyone while volunteering for Life of Valor.


Harassment Defined

Sexual harassment prohibited by this policy includes any unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:


  1. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for decisions affecting the participation of the volunteer; or

  2. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a volunteer's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.


Though sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of conduct, some examples of specifically prohibited conduct include the following and are therefore prohibited:


  • Physical assaults of a sexual nature, such as rape, sexual battery, molestation or attempts to commit these assaults, and intentional physical conduct that is sexual in nature, such as touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against another person’s body or poking another person’s body

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions or other sexual comments, such as sexually oriented gestures, noises, remarks, jokes or comments about a person’s sexuality or sexual experience

  • Preferential treatment or promises of preferential treatment to a Conference Ministries International/Life of Valor staff or volunteer for submitting to sexual conduct, including soliciting or attempting to solicit any staff or volunteer to engage in sexual activity for compensation or reward

  • Subjecting, or threats of subjecting, a staff or volunteer to unwelcome sexual attention or conduct or intentionally making performance of the staff or volunteer’s job more difficult because of that staff or volunteer’s sex

  • Sexual or discriminatory displays or publications anywhere at a Conference Ministries International/Life of Valor event by staff or volunteer  

  • Retaliation for sexual harassment complaints


Dress Code

First of all, wear comfortable shoes.  Next, dress for the weather that in May is unpredictable!  Wear clothes that are casual and comfortable.  Shorts are OK and encouraged if it is hot.  In addition to all Life of Valor volunteers being required to wear the volunteer T-Shirt given you at Volunteer Check-In, we ask all volunteers to dress modestly and not to wear clothing that is revealing or tight.  Please don’t cause your brother or sister to have their mind wander because of what you are wearing.


Volunteer Background Check

A Background Check may be conducted prior to becoming a volunteer with Life of Valor.  Background checks may consist of a criminal record check and/or driving record history.

Driver's License and Driving Record

Volunteers whose work requires operation of a motor vehicle must present and maintain a valid driver's license and follow the Life of Valor Use of Ministry Vehicles rules. You may be required to fill out a 2017 Life of Valor Driver Application Form.


That’s It! If you are in agreement with all of the above, complete the Volunteer Form Below:

Interested in Jeff speaking at your event?

Contact: Vonnie McIntyre

(619) 770-0028

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Interested in hosting a Men's Event in your city?

Contact: Dr. Jim Copeland

(404) 618-2567

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