
Choose the city to donate to and start a movement.
Help us change the world, one man at a time!
Be a world changer by supporting us financially. If you have the vision to reach the men of your city, now you can do something about it. It's our desire to create a movement of God among men throughout America and around the world. A gift of any amount will help us reach our goal to impact 250,000 men by 2025 in 25 cities. Join the movement and become an Alpha Team member along with 99 other men from your city you can make a difference by helping us bring a Life of Valor Men's Event to your city. To find out more read on!
Alpha Team
Be a part of the advance team that helps fund each event and our work around the world. In every city, we need 100 visionary men to commit to funding their city event with a one-time $1,000 or 12 months $84 commitment. We ask that you pray and consider giving and getting others that have the resources to help us fund our ministry in each city. Each Alpha Team member will receive two (2) Alpha Team Credentials to the event in their city, a Life of Valor polo shirt. The Alpha Team credentials get you early entrance to the men's event.
Additional benefits include:
Early registrations - 7 days before registration opens to the public
Unlimited registrations at our group rate of $29.00
Plus one FREE registration for every 10 purchased to use for yourself or evangelism
Unlimited VIP Meet & Greets for only $100.00 (a $250.00 value)