Shoot, Move & Communicate

Welcome to Life of Valor’s NEW experience, “Shoot, Move & Communicate" a total combat experience.” You will spend two days with professional warfighters from the SEAL Teams, learning how to plan and execute a mission that is a real as can be provided without your life being in danger. You will be taught everything that you need to know to safely conduct a CQC (Close Quarters Combat) and an outdoor patrol where contact with the “enemy” is eminent.
Our team of former US Navy SEALs will teach you proper and safe weapons handling, mission planning, mission execution, basic med-evac, infiltration, and exfiltration. What you are going to learn is a basic military style of mission execution. In other words, we won’t be revealing “family secrets”, but you are sure to get your share of extreme adrenaline. If you have participated in our past Warrior Weekend events, this is sure to be the next level. Come and enjoy the camaraderie and time spent with great guys. Upon your registration, you will receive a small list of items that you can bring from home, but most of your gear will be provided by our team of professionals.
Be facing “role players” as aggressors
Be ok with shooting at real people with Simunition marking rounds
You will have to be ok with explosions happening near you
Be a minimum of 18 years old
Be provided food during the evolution (lunch) and there will be a group dinner on Saturday evening
This is as real as it gets! This is a full military training facility with all the realism that our service members face, pre-deployment. We hope that you will join us for an upcoming Shoot, Move & Communicate weekend.
If you are interested in participating in our next Shoot, Move & Communicate weekend contact Vonnie at or call (619) 770-0028.